Pancakes Vs Business

It was Shrove Tuesday and before I’d even managed to drink my morning coffee my phone was bleeping.

It was two picture messages from my sister showing off her ‘attempt’ at a smiley faced pancake with my 1 year old nephew looking more scared than happy.

Alongside the pictures was a message saying

‘Clearly I got more enjoyment out of ‘attempting’ to make smiley faced pancakes than Ralph’ 😂 🥞

Now I am not going to lie, Pancakes are not my strong point either. Yet, just like my sister and millions of others, every year on Shrove Tuesday the kids and I make pancakes together. We come together, we laugh and despite some funny shapes and burnt attempts we continued to make pancake after pancake until we all have, what we each see, to be the perfect pancake. This got me thinking…

We could all learn a lot from pancake day.

Pancakes and Business might not seem a likely pairing, BUT our attitude to making them could teach us a lot about how we should be approaching business.

How we treat pancake day could teach us a lot about how we should treat our business.

Here are 6 factors that are key to making any pancake, or business, a success!!

🥞1. Prep – To make the perfect pancake preparation is key. You need the right ingredients, recipe, & time set aside to cook those Instagramable masterpieces.
The same is true in business. Swap ingredients for people, recipes for a business plan, and well time stays as time.

🥞2. Consistency – Who just has one pancake? We can’t have one burnt & one undercooked now, can we? The same goes in business. To succeed we need to ensure are efforts are consistent.

🥞3. Patients – It may take a few batches to perfect. Patients is often needed but, in the end, hay presto, you’ve perfected the art of pancake making.
Businesses don’t become a success overnight. It takes time & patients.

🥞4. Attention to detail – We all want to create a picture worthy pancake, it’s all part of the fun of the day. Adding your own flavour & touch of style makes what really is a bland meal into something mouth-watering.
The same rings true to what you’re selling. You have the chance to make it unique, so share your story, make your customers know what makes your business stand out.

🥞5. Teamwork – The best bit about pancake day is getting everyone involved. It’s what makes it such a fun and celebrated day. Everyone comes together and helps.
Remember in business you also have a team around you. You can do anything but not everything. This might mean outsourcing so you can concentrate on the parts of the business that you need to have a handle on.

🥞6. Celebrating our success!! – #pancakes This hashtag current has 12.8M posts associated to it. Today our feeds are full of pictures of people’s pancakes. People are proud & want to share.
Celebrating the wins is a massive step for many people to transfer into the business world but it’s so important. It not only helps you & your team to feel proud, it helps to keep you motivated & it’s also a great way to attract new business.