If you haven’t done so already it’s time to set some New Year’s Resolutions.

Before you go ahead and put pen to paper, I want you to have a think about what your 2022 New Year’s Resolution should look like.

Typically, people set New Year’s Resolutions around the things they want to give up. For me this starts the year of with a negative which is never a good thing so this year let’s rethink how you should approach setting some positive NYRs

‘There is no better time to set goals than the New Year’.

To help you on your way here are my Top Tips on how to make positive New Year’s Resolutions and, most importantly, how to keep them!


  1. Think of them as goals to achieve NOT things to give up.

A New Year’s Resolution should be about taking something up, making a positive change NOT the opposite.

STOP thinking about the things you want to give up. Instead focus on the things you would like to achieve within the year, think about what you could be doing with your time not what you shouldn’t be doing.

Treat a New Year’s Resolution more like a goal. Looking at it from this way can really help you to start the year in a positive frame of mind.

If like me you have put on some extra pounds over Christmas don’t set yourself a goal around losing weight. Seeing this written down will automatically give you a negative feeling, instead flip it on its head. Set yourself the goal to be healthier. To drink 2 litres of water a day, have 5 pieces of fruit and veg. This will naturally put you in a better frame of mind and guess what? The end physical result will still be the same. The difference is the way you achieve it will be a more positive experience and the good habits you pick up along the way will support you in keeping your New Year’s Resolution.


Don’t try to change the world or your life overnight. A big overhaul can be daunting and will most likely result in you breaking your New Year’s Resolution.

Make small, sustainable goals. Setting smaller, more achievable goals throughout the year allows you to work toward a larger goal in a positive and achievable way. Smaller goals will help to keep you motivated and maintain momentum.


Linking to the above. Having a bigger picture in mind helps to keep you motivated and focused on the everyday tasks because you then have a longer-term vision in mind, meaning you are more likely to achieve your New Years Resolutions.


Having a clear plan and timescale of when you want to achieve your smaller goals keeps you motivated, holds you accountable and allows for rewards along the way to help keep you in a positive mind frame. This is especially helpful if your long-term goal is far in the future as it stops you from losing sight and keeps you focused.


It doesn’t need to be fancy but any form of tracking that allows you to physically see your achievements throughout the year will have a big impact on your success in keeping your New Years Resolutions. This could be done through an app, pictures on your phone, a paper calendar it’s entirely up to you.


This is an important one as it will really help in keeping you focused and allows you to have enjoyment along the way. Just make sure your rewards don’t undermine your goal.


The environment you are in has a big impact on your mentality so, if you can, try mixing things up a little. If you can’t physically move, then try changing the environment around you. This could be as small as getting new stationary or moving the set-up of your desk. Doing this will help keep you from getting bored and disinterested.

  1. SHARE

Sharing your goals helps in so many ways, not only does it give you the increased want of succeeding as others are aware of what your goals are, but it also opens up a further support network to you. This can also make things more fun if you find a shared goal with someone else.


Don’t give up when you face a setback. Even the best plans don’t always come together in the time frame set or even in the way they had been expected.

At the end of last year, as a team we set ourselves some clear plans for the New Year which included some goals that needed to be achieved in the first week back. Unfortunately, instead of starting the first week of 2022 with a full refreshed team we started, unexpectedly with a member down, or should I say a member up. A lovely email appeared in my PAs inbox on the bank holiday with the subject ‘School return delay due to COVID’. Our well organised first week back suddenly became business meetings sat on a picnic blanket in her front room with her four-year-old daughter as head speaker. The reason I’m telling you this is because sometimes plans don’t to go to plan, whether it’s out of out control or just because the couch seemed like a much better option than the gym in that moment setbacks happen and that is OK. Give yourself a break! Just because our first week didn’t go to plan doesn’t mean we’re not going to smash our 2022 goals it just means we had to adjust a few things and recommit for our second week back.

Being flexible means you are less likely to feel shame or anxiety about the days where you relapse or things don’t go quite to plan.

Use setbacks to recommit to the resolution. When you experience pitfalls, punch back with resilience. You will learn a lot about yourself and how to expect and overcome pitfalls in the future.



This is a great way of making sure you keep to those New Year’s Resolutions, especially if they involve physically doing something each day. By linking a new habit to and old one you are far less likely to forget and before you know it you will have developed a new habit without even thinking about it.

If your New Year’s Resolution is centred around staff time management a simple new habit for yourself could be to check time sheets each morning when your checking your emails (old habit).

Now you’ve read my 10 top tips it’s time to get started on making your New Year’s Resolutions…

Good Luck
