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Are you working too many hours? Drowning in paperwork? Can’t take any time off because the business would not survive without your constant attention and not to mention any long-term strategic planning or direction?

If you’re answering yes to the above questions, then it might be time to consider a business coach – especially if you have ambitions for growth but just don’t know/can’t see how to get there.

Business coaching can be game changing. In fact, for businesses who do use a coach, it quickly becomes a necessity rather than a luxury.

It’s not just about enabling your business to reach its full potential, business coaching is also about helping business owners take control of the work/life balance. There are many cases of people being able to take their first holidays in years after partnering with a business coach.

What does a business coach do?

When you’re running your own business, wearing several hats and juggling lots of balls, you often spend all your time working ‘in’ your business, rather than ‘on’ it.

And unless you have years of experience in goals, strategies, growth planning, marketing and management, it can sometimes be impossible to see the wood for the trees.

Wouldn’t it be great if you just had someone who could get an objective overview of your business and help you figure out where you’re going and exactly how you can get there? That’s what a business coach does.

A business coach is that independent but expert ‘friend’ who can help you organise your business in such a way that sets it on the path to growth, with clear targets and goals to keep you on course.

This involves planning and strategising, making recommendations about your business and giving you that honest opinion that it can be difficult to get anywhere else.

An ActionCOACH will:

  • Help you see the wood for the trees
  • Help you identify your short and long-term goals – and stay on track
  • Help you focus on the steps you need to take to achieve your goals
  • Help you improve efficiency
  • Help you free up more time for your personal life
  • Give you valuable tips based on their years of experience
  • Listen and give honest feedback
  • Identify areas for improvement that you may not even have considered
  • Help you develop long-term plans that will ultimately lead to increased profits.

Essentially your ActionCOACH will be your marketing manager, sales director, training co-ordinator, partner, confidant and friend.

One-on-One Coaching with Juliette Ryley

One-on-One Coaching is our signature business development programme due to the results it delivers in adding real value to a business, while making a tangible difference to people’s lives.

Results are guaranteed and achieved through weekly or fortnightly coaching sessions, action plans, quarterly 90-day planning workshops, full email and phone support, reviews of your current systems and processes and much, much more.

Get in touch with Juliette now to find out more about our business coaching and whether it might be for you.